Quarantine and Isolation on Campus

Last Updated: July 16, 2024

Isolation and Quarantine in UE Student Housing

For students living in UE residence halls, 我们制定了一套指导方针,以帮助您了解在隔离或隔离期间需要做些什么.

决定你是留在学校还是在家隔离(如果可能的话). 我们鼓励学生考虑回家完成隔离. If you are unable to return home for any reason (e.g.、距离、费用、个人在家的健康状况、住房不安全、安全问题等.), we will support your isolation on campus.

Isolation: Stay in your Room or Request Isolation Space

If you have tested positive, you need to isolate. Review the CDC guidelines for isolation 测试呈阳性后,包括何时可以结束隔离. During this period, it is important that you do not leave your room, apartment, 除非紧急情况或寻求医疗护理(或要求的检查),否则不得外出。. 如果必须离开房间,外出时应佩戴合适的口罩或面罩.

If you are isolating in a shared suite/house, 除非你需要使用套房设施(厨房),否则你应该呆在你的房间里, bathroom, etc.),并确保保持身体距离,并戴上口罩或面罩. 不去锻炼,不去购物,甚至不去散步.

COVID-19检测呈阳性的住宿学生可以在自己的房间/套房隔离,而无需重新安置到临时住房. However, if there are any concerns from roommates, suitemates, or the individual who tests positive, 如果有空位,我们可以安排学生临时搬迁. 这些信息将提供给测试呈阳性的学生,当他们填写 COVID-19 Reporting Form.

Contact Tracing

If you test positive, 您有责任识别并与那些在24小时内与您共度15分钟或更长时间,并且在您出现首次症状前两天内与您在6英尺范围内的人进行沟通. 您可以建议他们按照箱内的隔离说明进行隔离 CDC guidelines for individuals exposed to COVID-19. 接触者追踪可以帮助其他人接受检测或隔离,因为他们可能开始感染他人.

Help Protect Others

尽量避免与房间、套房或房子里的其他人接触. 在隔离期结束之前,你和你的室友不应该邀请访客.


采取措施打开窗户来改善房屋的通风, if possible and safe to do so. (由于暖通空调的运行,一些宿舍不允许打开窗户.)


隔离期间的伙食自理. The following are available options:

  • Order through a food or grocery delivery service (e.g., DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart, individual grocery store deliveries, or through a friend or family member). 您将能够带着合适的口罩或面罩短暂离开您的住房,在您的建筑物大厅或您的宿舍楼入口处领取您的食物.
  • 如果你有用餐计划,你可以在网上订购外卖或送餐服务. You must complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form in order to access the form to request meal service.

    • 取餐选项允许朋友取餐,你已经从餐饮服务在线订购.
    • 送餐选项提供您从餐饮服务在线订购的餐点的送餐服务.
    • For residence halls, fraternity houses, Jones Hall, or Lincoln Park Apartments, deliveries are made to a main lobby or common entrance. 对于其他公寓,联排别墅或住宅,送货上门.



如果你在隔离期间收到任何包裹,请让朋友帮你取. Be sure to contact mailservices@uniformespaola.com 授权你的朋友来取你的包裹.


If an urgent problem occurs during your isolation (e.g., your toilet is overflowing, the heat isn't working), 或者你发现房间里有什么东西需要修理, 而且不能等到你的隔离期结束, please contact residencelife@uniformespaola.com and we will help address the situation.


Follow CDC recommendations 关于清洁高接触区域(电灯开关)的最佳方法, door knobs, counters, bathroom, kitchen, etc.) in order to reduce the potential spread of the virus.

我们理解您可能对与COVID-19检测呈阳性的人一起生活有疑问. 重要的是要记住,寄宿学生可能会患上许多不同的疾病, such as the flu, a cold, mono, a stomach virus, 在康复期间,通常与室友合住. Due to highly effective vaccines, 与较轻疾病相关的病毒突变, and higher population-level immunity, 大学生很少患COVID-19重病. 大学完全有能力考虑一种就地隔离协议,根据该协议,检测呈阳性的住宿学生可以在自己的房间/套房/房子里隔离,而不需要重新安置到临时住房.

However, if there are any concerns from roommates, suitemates, or individual students who test positive, 如果有空间,我们可以为测试呈阳性的学生提供临时搬迁的住宿. 这些信息将提供给测试呈阳性的学生,当他们填写 COVID-19 Reporting Form. 如果室友或室友担心他们的同伴检测呈阳性, and they do not agree to the isolate-in-place method, contact Residence Life through the Quarantine Request Form 协助为检测呈阳性或有症状的住宿学生寻找住宿空间.